ScriptClips is an online database that catalogs thousands of sides & scenes from contemporary TV/Film and makes them readily available with simple keyword search. Sign up for FREE today and discover how ScriptClips can help you find the best material for your workshops and classes.
How to get started
Sign up for a free account and receive immediate access to studio libraries.
*ScriptClips is growing!
Ask your favorite Acting/Workshop studio to join ScriptClips so you can access more free sides/scenes.
Discover how ScriptClips can improve your workshop experience
We've joined with the top workshop/acting studios in the industry to provide their studio libraries fully cataloged for their workshop participants.
Create your own personal library by uploading and cataloging your own sides & scenes. You can also bookshelf the sides you find and love on ScriptClips, so you can locate those favorites anytime in the future.
Get access to a huge community library filled with thousands of sides & scenes, with new sides uploaded regularly!
Get organized, search quickly & save time

- Immediate access to studio libraries*
- Tips & Tricks to maximize your search
- Updates on the latest features
*Must use studio's code to access their library

- Access to thousands sides & scenes
- Personal Library to organize & catalog own inventory
- Updates on the latest sides added to community library
- Tips & Tricks to maximize your search
- Updates on the latest features
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